Beat the Heat: Get Your Home Ready for Summer

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Weather-wise, the summer months are some of the most extreme of the year. In Texas, we face extremely high temperatures paired with hurricane season. To avoid tragedy and save money, follow these five tips from KangaRoof on how to get your home ready for summer!

  1. Clean Your Air Conditioning Unit

Shut the power off on your AC unit to clean it. On the inside, wash or vacuum the filters and replace the disposable ones. It is never a bad idea to call a professional to inspect your AC before it works overtime in the summer!

  1. Put a Timer on Your Air Conditioner

Set your AC on a timer for when you’re at work or elsewhere. If you leave the AC off all day, you may come home to a muggy house with a lot of stagnant air. Setting a timer so that your AC starts running at your desired hour before you get home will keep your energy costs down.

  1. Close Your Blinds and Curtains

This one is self-explanatory: Don’t let the unnecessary sun into your home!

  1. Read Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

Homeowner’s insurance policies are very specific in what they do and do not cover. For example, during Hurricane Harvey, many south Texans discovered that their policies covered hurricane damage, but not flood damage. Make sure you know what you’re covered for.

  1. Secure and Seal Your Roof

Everything starts with the roof. It’s your home’s first line of defense against the sun and extreme weather. The roof is the largest potential opening on the home. Call a professional like KangaRoof to inspect your roof and make sure everything is prepared to handle high heat and heavy rains!

These simple tasks can keep your home safe, and your wallet happy, this summer. If you need a roof inspection, call your local roofing professionals at KangaRoof. We hop to it!

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