Homeowners, Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy!


Homeowners, Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy!

  1. If price is all that matters when you shop for homeowner’s insurance, don’t be surprised when your loss is not covered completely by your insurance company. Simple things like Code Compliance Coverage are extra costs in your monthly premium—items that you may have opted out of to save a buck. Remember the old adage, “You Get What You Pay For”!
  2. When dealing with an insurance claim, don’t hire a contractor based on price. Any money saved in the hiring process belongs to the insurance company, not you. Hiring the low-cost roofer results in corners getting cut on materials or labor, or the contractor makes no profit which means he won’t be around when you need warranty service.  Of course, when you are paying for the roof out of your pocket, price is a major consideration. Click here to learn how to hire a roofing company.
  3. Don’t be afraid of your insurance company! When you have a claim, be prepared to learn your rights and then stand up for them. You are their customer, not the other way around.

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