What is the Insurance Process for Roof Damage?

Last month we wrote a blog on how to file a claim for hail damage to your roof, but do you know what the insurance process looks like? KangaRoof is sharing what you can expect from the insurance process, from inspection to a completed job and beyond.

Step 1. Roof Inspection
Make sure you have your roof inspected before you file a claim, to make sure you don’t lose out on rewards for vanishing deductibles. For more information on the roof inspection process read our blog on filing a claim.

Step 2. Filing the Claim
You can call your agent or the claims department of your home insurer directly. They will ask you many questions like “What kind of damage do you have?” and “When did the damage happen?” Once you have answered all the rep’s questions they will assign your claim to an adjuster.

Step 3. Adjuster and KangaRoof Meeting
Your claims adjuster will need to inspect your roof. You do not need to be there unless you wish to be, but you should have your roofer there. If you let KangaRoof know when the inspection we can meet them. We will make sure they see the damage we see and help ensure you get the roof replacement you’ve been playing premiums for.

Step 4. Receiving the Estimate Letter
After the inspection, the adjuster will write an estimate for the scope of the work to be done. If they can, they will print the estimate letter in their car, but usually, you will be emailed the letter. This letter will show in line-by-line detail everything included in the claim, like the roof, gutters, furnace vents, and more.

Step 5. The Insurance Check
This first check will be based on the determined value of your roof. Then they determine a value of depreciation for the exiting roof based on its age and damage. The first check is for the estimate MINUS the depreciation MINUS the deductible. There are some exceptions to this, and you can contact KangaRoof if you have questions about your first insurance check.

Step 6. Getting the New Roof from KangaRoof
Once you have your estimate letter and first check, KangaRoof can get started on replacing your roof. You will give the estimate letter, first check, deductible, and any upgrade payments to KangaRoof.

Step 7. The Work is Done
Once the work is completed, we will send a final invoice to your insurance company stating the work is done. Then the insurance company will release the depreciation, if applicable, and approved supplements, and you’ll receive your second check (and sometimes third check)! Then you will send these final checks to KangaRoof!

Was your roof damaged by wind or hail in 2018? Ready to start your insurance process? Contact KangaRoof today! Or click here to download our step-by-step insurance process checklist to get started with your insurance claim today.

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